Solo Sole

Our company
I introduce myself indeed we introduce ourselves because if it is true that I am currently writing Philip and I will write as if I were one person to keep me company in my adventure, there is Sandra my wife, partner in life and in this business. She entered on the sly first with sporadic and curious visits about what I was doing, now leaving her business, she took part in full and today she has become the owner.

Having said all this, I am going to tell you, hoping to be able to convey to you my thoughts and above all my emotions, the birth of this activity, which I do not define as a Company as this definition for me who love modesty I know of large structures and we are large we are not. Scrolling through these lines you will not find the usual rigid corporate presentation in the schemes, professional, schematized where everything is framed in the commercial logic of market research, and search for profits as an absolute purpose, all this not because it is not interested in earning it is obvious but because all this what I think and what we do stems above all from the pleasure of doing it.

I have the great fortune to do a job that I like that satisfies me to the point that I do not consider it a job, to give you a very simple example but at the same time capable of transmitting what I want to communicate to you when I am in my laboratory with my equipment and with raw materials that can be transformed into something good I feel like the fisherman who is on a boat while he is fishing over a school of fish. This is why we are a small business different from many others, in our work there is a little extra gear, the love for what we do, I would not want to seem too poetic but our approach with this type of work is really different to start, for example, with the choice of raw materials.

Raw Materials
We only use raw materials that we can transform into something good

Typical Products We continue to produce the typical products of the regional territory